With a rather sudden, fairly thick blanket of snow on the
ground in the second week of November, it may seem like an unlikely time to
discuss the wherefore and the how-to of bicycling, but in fact winter biking
may be the best place to start. After all, if fighting the status quo that
facilitates copious carbon emissions is at the crux of the climate debate, then
challenging well worn habits and assumptions is certainly one very good way to
proceed. If my experience of bicycling year-round for several years is any
indication, by and large, people have a whole host of assumptions about biking
in the winter that are downright inaccurate. I suspect the reactions I hear,
more often than not, have more to do with fearing that a car-oriented norm is
under attack by anything half as crazy as riding on two wheels in the worst
elements that mother nature has to throw at us.
Full disclosure: I actually do happen to consider that the
crazy ones are those of us who hop into four-thousand-pound box of steel and
plastic on wheels each and every day to move their own bodies around. To my
mind, these people are at least eligible for some sound ribbing, if not an
outright diagnosis of clinical insanity, or perhaps a healthy dose of shaming,
but let me not digress…. Suffice it to say that for me, moving under my own
steam seems so obviously normal.
Before going any further, I should also say that cars have
their place, and that cycling (let alone winter biking) is not for everyone.
But I will add that it really is far and away very appropriate for a huge
number of us who currently do not take up the practice. My favourite definition
of a motorist is “a future cyclist, who just doesn’t know it yet”.
It’s a common trope to suggest that a “war-like effort” is
required to reduce CO2 emissions in a meaningful way so as to combat climate
change collectively. While I wonder if most people who make this assertion
understand the implications of that suggestion, I would like to suggest that
recruiting an army of volunteer cyclists from the pool of everyday citizenry is
one of the easiest ways to improve the quality of life of the urban
environment. And while many objections are made about the construction cost of
retrofitting infrastructure to accommodate bicycle traffic, in the big picture,
making room for bikes is far more inherently cost effective; it’s far less
onerous than building bridges, rapid transit rails, metro tunnels,
electrification networks (all things that, yes we should be doing as well) …
After all, the lowly bicycle is a hundred and forty year old, proven
technology, relying on little maintenance when compared to almost any other
mode of transport.
So while the commonly accepted industry-driven mantra is to
wait for self-driving electric cars to come along and “improve” our lives, it’s
by no means clear that this agenda actually has anything to do with fighting
climate change with anything other than lip-service.
With that in mind, I challenge any and all able-bodied urban
citizen to consider bicycling as their primary transport option. In some cities
this call to arms would be drowned out by the sound of engines humming and
tires rolling; in others, it may almost seem like preaching to the choir.
Either way, there’s no harm in repeating the message. The sooner our numbers
can double, and double again the better. Every bike is one less combustion
If like me, you’re faced with snow in the streets, maybe now
is the time to leap into the adventure of winter biking. If so, do so with the
best equipment and accessories you can afford – ice can be very unforgiving!